Hades Wiki

Hecate, Chronos and Selene.

ā€œ ...And, The Titans? You think me cruel, yet know nothing of cruelty. ā€ž
~ Hades

The Titans (sing. Titan or Titaness) were the second generation of deities who inherited the universe after their creators, the Primordials, chose to step down. Unlike their predecessors, the Titans were cruel and merciless tyrants who would regularly kill and torture those they deemed inferior to them which in their eyes was anyone and everyone who wasn't one of them.

Eventually, they were overthrown by their own godly children, the Olympians, and were exiled to the deepest and darkest parts of Tartarus for all eternity. The Olympians then took over the duty of ruling the Universe.

Not all Titans were banished to Tartarus at the end of the war, some who had aided the Olympians during the conflict such as Prometheus, Selene, and Hecate were given positions of power within the new world order after the Olympians became the new rulers of the universe.


ā€œ "My brothers and my sisters and myself. We too wanted to slay our parents. The Titans. Bastards. And worse." ā€ž
~ Hades

Before the reign of the Olympians, the Titans were the rulers of the world who were said to be extremely cruel and terrible beings, so much so that eventually, their own children rose up in rebellion against them. This started the war known as the Titan War, in which both Titans and Gods fought for supremacy over the world. Eventually, the Titans were defeated, their remains sliced up into many pieces and thrown into the pits of Tartarus so they could never regenerate and to serve as their eternal prison.

After the war, the three sons of Chronos drew lots to divide the rulership of the world; Zeus would rule the Heavens, Poseidon the Sea and Hades the Underworld.


The Titans do not make an appearance in Hades, having been imprisoned in Tartarus by the Olympians long before the events of the game. However, they are referenced through dialogue, codex entries and Titan Blood.

Hades II[]

In Hades II, the Titans finally make their debut. Chronos and Prometheus are enemies that can be fought while Selene and Hecate are allies of Melinoƫ.


1st Generation[]

2nd Generation[]

3rd Generation[]

  • Hecate - Witch of the Crossroads.


  • The Titans, unlike the later gods, embody the very concepts they represent; Chronos is time personified, while Selene, embodying the concept of the moon, can only emerge at night, unable to traverse the realm of morning and afternoon of her siblings, thus rendered incapacitated upon the arrival of her sister Eos after her[1], the same goes for them.
  • The Titans seem to share the common trait of luminous eyes devoid of pupils.

Additional notes[]

For additional information on Titans that does not pertain to Hades, see Wikipedia's article: Titans

