Hades Wiki



Asterius : Theseus's colleague and best friend.
Theseus and Asterius, despite their unimaginable friendship, are fighting brothers. Asterius respects Theseus greatly, but also seems aware of his foibles, even if he forgives them. Although Asterius is responsible for keeping Theseus in line, he is incredibly grateful and loyal to his companion. Theseus once killed Asterius in life, but later requested his release from Erebus, granting him a place in Elysium and the title of Champion. The two have formed a strong bond, complementing each other's strengths and making a formidable team in the battles of the underworld. Their camaraderie and loyalty are a testament to the power of true friendship.

House of Hades[]


Zagreus: Prince of the Underworld.
Theseus dislikes Zagreus, constantly throwing accusations and demeaning him by calling him names such as monster, hellspawn, daemon, fiend or blackguard. No matter how hard Zagreus tries to convince him of his innocence, Theseus will refuse to believe or change his opinion of him. Later in the game, Theseus will accuse Zagreus of trying to ruin his friendship with Asterius, who is more friendlier with Zagreus, and only serves to fuel his disdain of him. Likewise Zagreus also dislikes Theseus, although at first Zagreus held him in high regard due to his legend as a great hero; however that all ended once he met the arrogant Athenian.

Nonetheless, Theseus acknowledges Zagreus' strength and battle powress, seen as when he comments "a clean hit" and others upon being hit, as well as confessing he fears he might grow to acknowledge said strength.


Hades-bond-forgedHades: Theseus's boss.
He recognized Theseus and Asterius as his champions. Hades summoned them to defeat his rebel son in whatever way they desired.

Olympian Gods[]


Dionysus-bond-forgedDionysus: God of Wine.
Dionysus dislikes Theseus for abandoning Ariadne on an island, despite her having helped him against her own family. Nonetheless, he will still heed Theseus's call if the latter requests his help when fighting Zagreus.


Poseidon-bond-forgedPoseidon: God of the Sea.

Theseus seems to think that, at least in life, he was Poseidon's favorite. Poseidon, however, doesn't look so fondly at the former hero, displeased by Zeus calling him his son. He'll still aid Theseus in battle if called upon.



Ariadne: Asterius' sister
Ariadne fell in love with Theseus and gave him a ball of yarn to prevent him from getting lost in the labyrinth. However, on the way back to Athens, Theseus abandoned Ariadne on the island of Naxos, breaking her heart. If Zagreus brings the Yarn of Ariadne to their battles it greatly annoys him and he begins to belittle Ariadne, who he considered to be naive and that her feelings for him was not his responsibility to reciprocate and the only thing he cherised about her was that she helped him meet Asterius. However, during the last exchange about the Yarn, Asterius will be upset at Theseus' constant demeaning of his sister. Theseus apologizes to his friend and promises that he will one day seek Ariadne to reconcile.


Heracles: Greek hero and former aquaintance

Back in life, these two heroes knew each other and even helped each other out occasionally. One such remarkable moment was when Heracles rescued Theseus from spending eternity forever stuck in the Underworld. How they actually looked upon each is unknown, but they likely had some respect for the other's strengths and accomplishments.

The first time Zagreus mentions Heracles in front of him, Theseus will accuse Zagreus of trying to make him jealous before triumphantly adding that he sees through Zagreus' scheme. This subtly hints that Theseus sees himself as an inferior before Heracles.
