Hades Wiki

At the top of Damage Calculation, the calculation is shown as

Damage = Base Damage
        × (1 + Sum of Critical Damage Bonus)
        × (1 + Sum of Regular Damage Bonuses)
        × (Product of (1 - Damage Reductions))

Based on my expectations and my experience playing the game, I thought the true calculation might be

Damage = Base Damage
        × (1 + Sum of Critical Damage Bonus)
        × (Product of (1 + Regular Damage Bonuses))
        × (Product of (1 - Damage Reductions))

For example, if you have a 50% damage bonus and a 60% damage bonus, the first calculation would give you a total bonus of 110% (50% + 60%). The second calculation would give you a total bonus of 140% ((1 + 50%) × (1 + 60%) = 1.5 × 1.6 = 2.4 = 140% bonus).

I have since confirmed that the page is correct and that regular damage bonuses are simply added.

MichelanJell-O (talk) 01:29, 4 March 2023 (UTC)
