Hades Wiki

Lamiai are serpentine spellcasters found within the Fields of Mourning.

A lamia has the upper body of a woman and the lower body of a snake, and their hair is corded in such a way that their face seems to appear from within a snake's maw.

A lamia will lift her staff and begin to channel, summoning a slow-moving beam that relentlessly tracks Melinoƫ. This cast will be interrupted if the lamia is staggered.

Codex entry[]

'Our craft, like any tool, need not necessarily be used only for beneficial purposes. There are such creatures as possess a basic knowledge of destructive arts, and that is the extent of their magickal inclinations. The snake-haired spawn of Queen Lamia come to mind, their venomous thoughts manifesting in a crude yet potent way.'

Additional notes[]

For additional information on Lamia that does not pertain to Hades, see Wikipedia's article: Lamia
