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ā€œ Perhaps the blasted Fates will favor me for once. ā€ž
~ Hades

The Fates, better known as the Three Fates, are a trio of goddesses responsible for weaving the threads of fate that govern the world of Hades.

The three fates are Atropos, Lachesis and Clotho.

Characteristics and Personality[]

The Fates are seen as cold, inflexible, unfair and even cruel by mortals and gods alike but as described by their brother Moros, each is their own goddess with their own qualities. Clotho is described as being the talkative and decisive one, Lachesis as being more agreeable, and Atropos as just being focused on cutting the threads of fate. Also, weaving is their passion according to him.


The Fates do not appear in person in Hades. However, they can interact with Zagreus through the Fated List of Minor Prophecies and are frequently mentioned by other characters, particularly by their mother Nyx or by other characters lamenting their cruelty or indifference.

Hades II[]

Once again, the Fated List appears in Hades II after they are invoked during a ritual. They still do not make a physical appearance and are only mentioned by other characters, mostly Moros, their brother and emissary. During the events of the game, they have been captured by Chronos and seek the aid of Melinoƫ through the Fated List of Minor Prophecies, their rescue has yet to be implemented in the current early access build, however.


  • The Fateful Twist item from the Well of Charon is a reference to them.
  • They are the creators of the Nocturnal Arms alongside their mother Nyx.
  • Fans have theorized that the Fates may be among the ones who have filled in the entries of the Book of Shadows and that they are subtly guiding MelinoĆ« on her quest through it.

Additional notes[]

For additional information on Fates that does not pertain to Hades, see Wikipedia's article: Fates
